Ed Norvell lives with his wife in Salisbury, North Carolina. He has two grown children and is an attorney working for non-profit land trusts across the state of North Carolina.
He and his wife own a house on Ocracoke Island which is their second home. He has published Ocracoke Between the Storms, a Story of Love and Healing on the Outer Banks; Portsmouth, Spies, U-boats and Romance on the Outer Banks; Southport, a Story of Second Chances; Shadows; No Salt To Season; and two collections of short stories.
He received his undergraduate degree from UNC-Chapel Hill, a masters degree in English and creative writing from the City University of New York, and his JD Degree from the Wake Forest University School of Law. He has also attended the Breadloaf Writer's Conference at Middlebury College, VT.
Photo by Pat Rendleman